Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm obsessesd , Travis McCoy is a fucking babe . Seriously .

I was just thinking , about going back to my natural hair colour , like browny blonde type thing . I'm so sick of having the same hair colour all the time . Althougth i should be carful how i die it i just cant have this colour anymore. GAH there are so many things i want . 1.I need clothes like the models in lookbook , 2.I want my monore already ! 3.ankle boots,4i want my hair dyed !! ahh fuck !>> darker hair

Just when i thought being gluten free food were disgusting i found gluten free cookie dough , so know i'm cooking them . I'm so exited ! I was getting my nails done , and you know how when they do it they were those little sars masks things ? Well they need to start giving them to fucking costumers i have the worst fucking head ache from all those fumes !

Did i mention i got tested for babe flu ? (babe flu doesnt sound as bad as swine flu , get it babe the pig ?) Because i was sick all week , i swear i had a minor heart plaportation when mum said they might take blood But thank god he didnt just a swab of my tonsils . :D